This morning we had quite the adventure. As we were sitting, enjoying our coffee and vegemite, we caught eye of a group of five sheep that had somehow slipped onto our property. We all tried to herd them to the closest gate to get them back onto their land, but they just didn't see the open door so they bolted in a panic and ended up running further away from where they needed to be. But we didn't quit on them, we went after them and kept trying to herd them back. They were in such a panic that they were even trying to push their way through the fence, unaware of the open gate waiting for them that was completely obvious to us. It was hard because we couldn't get as close to them as we would have liked because the place they ran to wasn't safe, it was an area that was total brown snake territory; it just made it even that much more difficult to get them to where they needed to go because we couldn't get close enough to them to be able to lead them. Finally the guys found another gate opening that was closer to where they had managed to place themselves and they tore the gate loose from the ties that kept it shut so that the sheep could be free. It wasn't the original gate that they were intended to go through, but we did what we needed to do to make it easier for the sheep. In the end the sheep went back to their pen without a thanks to be heard but it was enough for us to know that they were safe again. And me? Well I was left with an incredible analogy and a better revelation of why God calls us His sheep.