I find myself carefully framing, taking my time with each shot, making sure that it's going to be frame-worthy. Truth be told, I have no idea what kind of pictures this camera is going to turn out; they may be total crap (hence why I found it for 99 cents) and the film could be so old that it doesn't develop at all. I have no idea what the end is going to look like.
But that doesn't stop me from wanting the best.
It doesn't change the rarity of it all. It could totally bomb and I could end up with a roll of useless negatives OR they could be INCREDIBLE. It's a chance worth taking because what if...Bottom line, this life is rare. And if I played my life like I took my pictures then I could probably end up with some pretty INCREDIBLE moments. I don't know what the end is going to look like, but that shouldn't stop me from wanting the best. Because what if...
whatever came of it? :)