Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 17: Gender Injustice

 The are over 100 million girls missing from the earth

Inspiration for this drawing was taken from The Girl Effect 

Normally, the sex ratio on the earth (the number of men to women) should equal out to about the same number of men and women; but because of gender specific killings and such, we now find that our world is missing more than 100 million women. Studies have shown that every year another 2 million girls disappear worldwide. Friends, this is a problem! 

Women are targeted and are discriminated against all over the world for different reasons but at the core of ever reason is a lack of respect for women. Because men lack respect for women, women don't have the rights they ought to, and because they don't have the rights they need to protect themselves against men who would harm them and do harm them, the violence continues unchallenged, etc, etc. "It appears that more girls have been killed in the last fifty years precisely because they were girls, than men were killed in all the wars of the twentieth century (Half the Sky, Kristof)." We cannot afford to stand by, let alone stand by ingnorantly. We have to act!

A good place to start your research is by reading a book called, "Half the Sky" by Nicholas D. Kristof (it's where I got these facts and figures from). Another good place to start is with this film If, after all that, you still want more; check out "The Girl Effect"


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